Services Provided

Massage Therapy

Choose between a 30 minute massage treatment for $40.00 or a one hour massage for $55.00

Massage therapy relaxes the entire body. Massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, relaxing and decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.

Escoja un masaje de media hora o una hora para relajar su cuerpo, musculos y mente

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Nutritional Counseling Consultation

The use of foods, natural herbs, and vitamins to rebuild and detoxify the systems of the body.


El uso de alimentos, hierbas naturales (naturista) y vitaminas para reconstruir y desintoxicar los sistemas del cuerpo.

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Is a study where there is no medication or counseling involved.  SOMA is a study where muscle response test is used (kinesiology) to determine the emotion that is causing the discomfort the person is experiencing.  Eye movement is then used to deprogram this negative emotion and a new positive emotion takes its place.  It has been performed in more than 29,000 patients from 11 allied treatment centers in South America during a 14 year period. Not related to hipnosis.

Este estudio no require de medicación o consejería. SOMA es un estudio que es basado en Kinesiologia que determina la emoción que esta causando una experiencia negativa emocional en la persona, entonces se aplica la terapia mas conocida como el movimiento de los ojos para desprogramar el sentimiento negativo de la experiencia y programar emociones positivas en su vida.  A sido introducida en mas de 29.000 pacientes en 11 centros de tratamiento en Sur America.  No esta relacionado con hipnotismo.

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Body Balance is an energy balancing system that helps people free themselves of their emotional baggage.  The technique identifies and helps release trapped harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions can cause depression, anxiety and they can block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the body itself, they exert an influence on the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain and even diseases.  Releasing trapped emotions allows the body to heal itself emotionally and physically.


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Infrared Sauna - Packages available

Infrared Sauna

Not your average sauna! Infrared reduces inflammation in the body (arthritis pain, muscle tension, etc.) Helps the lymph system in detoxification through the skin. Improves the circulation, helps in the eliminations of toxic metals in the body (mercury, lead, aluminum, etc.), helps cellulite reduction and burn calories.


Sauna Infrarojo

No es sauna comun! Luz infraroja reduce la inflamacion en el cuerpo (como artritis, dolores en el cuerpo etc.)  Ayuda al sistema linfatico a desintoxicarse por medio de la piel.  Ayuda a la circulacion y eliminacion de metales toxicos en el cuerpo (aluminio, plomo, mercurio etc.) Reduce la celulitis y quema calorias.

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Ion Foot Detox

Ion Foot Detox therapy can be purchased in individual session at $30.00 or 5-7 sessions at $25 each.
Using Ions the feet will release toxins from your body into the water.

Desintoxique su cuerpo por sus pies.

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